Frequently Asked Questions

Are there specialized job training programs for non-neurotypical adults?

Short Answer

Yes and no. There is adult day programming, vocational training, and career services offered by organizations such as Nebraska Transition College, which empower the community immensely. There are also expansive job training programs available at Project SEARCH at UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Long Answer

But Destiny Cafe aspires to go beyond existing programs by providing specialized job training for adults with developmental disabilities, empowering them within the restaurant industry specifically. While programs like The Art Garden, the Autism Center of Nebraska’s pre-vocational adult day program, have a similar concept, Destiny Cafe aims to be a transformative bridge, connecting one of the largest untapped workforces with an industry in great need of high-quality employees: restaurants.


What specific training and support programs will be available for non-neurotypical adults at Destiny Cafe?

Short Answer

Being a restaurant, our initial training will be in service of the Cafe and ensuring a safe environment for our team. Training would work to build cooking and baking skills, cleanliness, marketing and retail skills, as well as teach health and safety within a restaurant.

Long Answer

Over time, we have plans to build in additional programming to support our team and the larger non-neurotypical adult community with partners like Sheltering Tree. This includes: classes in health & fitness, social skills workshops, money management and technology lessons, career support, independent living. As we learn more about what our people need during and after their time with Destiny, we will work to serve better.


Are there opportunities for career advancement and professional growth at the restaurant?

Short Answer

Yes, definitely!

Long Answer

Not only will there be lots of room to grow professionally at Destiny Cafe, we will be able to equip you with the skills you need to succeed in the restaurant industry as a whole. Over the long-term, we hope to be able to offer helpful resources for self-advocacy and professional growth in any career you choose. We can’t wait to see the progress you make!


How can the restaurant and training facility help me develop skills for independent living?

Short Answer

Destiny Cafe is being built to empower your independence and to bridge a gap.

Long Answer

As a fast-casual restaurant and cafe concept, Destiny Cafe will be training skills that allow greater access to an industry with historically low employment rates for non-neurotypical adults. Even better, our training will be focused intentionally and primarily on employment and life skills that translate outside the cafe/restaurant industry that emboldens you further in your independence.


How does Destiny Cafe promote a sense of community and connection among parents/families of non-neurotypical adults, providing a platform for shared experiences and support?

Short Answer

We hope to become your extended family and provide a destination to celebrate, share, and learn.

Long Answer

We aim to create a physical space where parents and families can come together, accessing valuable resources and support. By fostering this sense of community, we will empower our team and the non-neurotypical community to achieve sustainable independence with the love and support of their families. The Munroe-Meyer Institute here in Omaha also has great resources for families.


I've never heard of the term 'non-neurotypical'. What does it mean?

Short Answer

Also referred to as neurodivergent, according to Cleveland Clinic, “this simply means having a brain that works differently from the average or ‘neurotypical’ person.”

Long Answer

Other terms used to refer to this community include: adults with special needs, adults with cognitive disabilities, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We like “differently-abled”. This group differs from the neurotypical community in learning styles, communication, social preferences, & perception of their environment. Learn more here.


How can individuals promote the mission of inclusivity within their social circles and networks, raising awareness about the importance of supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

Short Answer

Easy to start… join us in spreading our message far and wide. Bring people in to help us grow into a thriving community by first learning about adults that are neurodivergent.

Long Answer

Destiny Cafe has plans to host events to this accomplish this goal; arming you with the knowledge and tools to practice inclusivity in other areas of life. Learning about the community and then joining our mission will best equip you to make the largest impact, as your support builds the momentum we need. We would love to hear from you if you have any ideas on promoting our mission within the larger Omaha metropolitan area.


Are there volunteer opportunities to directly engage with and support non-neurotypical adults in the community? At Destiny Cafe?

Short Answer

Yes, and we would love to have you help us here at Destiny Cafe. Sign up to join our volunteer list and we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest!

Long Answer

As we wait for the first Destiny Cafe event, check out the following local organizations needing assistance now with their work in the non-neurotypical community: Sheltering Tree, Nebraska Transition College, Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands, Easterseals.


How can I build or grow my business/organization to become more inclusive and welcoming for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

Short Answer

The first step is learning about the community and potential barriers.

Long Answer

Start to learn more about the community and through resources such as Autism Action Partnership, research programming that is dedicated to helping businesses employ and retain more individuals within the non-neurotypical community. If you would like to learn how you can help us with our mission specifically, please reach out!